Sunday, August 28, 2011


Have you found yourself realizing a failing in your Christian life regularly? What are you doing about it? Christianity is not a game; it is not fictitious. It's real. We are not saved to sit on our rears idly passing the time. We are not redeemed to forsake God. We are not forgiven to continue in our sin.

It's insanity to weekly, daily, hourly be reminded of a fault in us(not praying, not reading the Bible, not loving, not serving, not praising, not worshiping) and yet do nothing about it.

If we sit in our pews thinking "I know I have this problem, and I'm 'working on it'" we are fooling ourselves. Would God really convict us so much on the same matter if we are actually working to mend it?

Conviction is the moment decisions are made on how we will change. If we don't say yes to God and obey Him, we won't later un-convicted. It is so much easier to go through the day without prayer, without reading the Bible, without praising God, without loving. It's almost natural. It goes against the grain to do those things. That's why we won't if we aren't convicted.

We must act at the moment of conviction. We must cry out to God to impart His strength on us to resist the urge of being lazy in our Christian walk.

We hold up a defiant hand when we choose to deal with conviction later.

I don't know...maybe it's just me that has this dialog.
God: Get this right. You know you aren't doing your best--if any.
Me: I don't need to. I mean, I know it's a problem. I'm trying.

But am I really? Am I pushing past the laziness, the apathy, the whatever to actually live the Christian life?

To be saved and to deny the presence of God in our lives by living how we want(Not reading the Bible, not praying, not loving God and others, not praising God, not worshiping Him, etc) we are only living the Atheist life, not the Christian life. The atheist denies the existence of God. They see him as a mere man-made theology, a feel-good philosophical system.

We are living the atheist life if we live how we want to live. We deny the lordship of God if we don't love him (for he has commanded us to love him). We deny the lordship of God is we live for ourselves.

What has God been placing on your heart lately over and over again? Are you choosing not to pray to Him? Are you choosing to neglect reading the Bible? Are you rejecting the thought of loving others, of loving God? Are you resistant to His call in an area of service?

Think about it.

Everyone can improve how they live their Christian life, but do you even have one? I'm not asking if you are saved--that's another issue entirely. I'm asking if you have taken that step from simply being saved to living out your salvation? You can't improve something that isn't there.

So, answer your conscience. Do you have a Christian life? and are you living it?

Or have you abandoned God after being saved? Are you now living the Atheist life after taking the sonship of God?

This is something you can no longer ignore. You need to deal with it right now.

Just because you are a teenager, if you are, doesn't mean you are incapable of becoming so deaf and blind to God that he can no longer use you. Satan seeks to destroy and devour you. That's his goal; that's his ambition. He doesn't have to only resort to tempting you to committing murder, immorality, or bank-sized theft. He can simply sit back while you do the work of ignoring God, and then slowly(so you won't notice) begin hardening your heart, making you a little more deaf, a little more blind.

The longer you remain atheistic, the more he can harden your heart. And the more he can harder, the closer he is to totally destroying you(though God can always break the hardened heart, mend the broken heart, and bind you up in forgiveness and love.).

So stop, stop, stop thinking you can live however you want. You can't and get away with it. God is not interested or pleased in His children living the in the flesh. He is only pleased when they live in faith and in the Spirit.

Take a look at your life right now, ignore the friends around you, ignore the laundry that's buzzing at their finish, ignore the TV show that is starting. Are you living the Spirit-filled, Christian life? Are you praying? Are you reading the Bible? Are you loving?

Or are you living the Satan-filled, Atheist life? Are you praying to your idols(of self, of friends, of money, of entertainment, of boredom relief)? Are you opening the Bible maybe once a day out of a guilt-erasing act? Are you secretly, or not so secretly, hating those are you or even hating God?

Just as the Spirit is convicting me now, I'm sure He is convicting you now. So now is your chance to act. Now you can put behind you the past of born-again atheism. Now is the time you can pursue the true Christian life. Now you can put a pause to every idle distraction and pull out your Bible. Now is the time you can thank God for his love and enter into a praise session with Him.

I'll leave you with the repeated question. You do with it as you wish, God won't force your hand.
Are you living the Christian life? or are you living the Atheist life?
God's conviction is now if you are living the Atheist life. So take this moment to pursue Him. Live the Christian life now.


  1. Super thoughts - Did this start as a result of Bro. Ronnie's comment tonight? It was a good one!

    Pastor O

  2. It was more or less a "I know I'm lacking in my prayer life, but I'm working on it" repeatedly and yet no action. But the thought of living a Christian life vs an Atheist life was spurned by his statement.
