Thursday, August 25, 2011


I wonder…do we excite ourselves when we get the opportunity to talk to God? Do we feel lonely throughout the day if we go without talking to him? Do we ache with every moment we are away from Him? Do we smile broadly when we get a chance to talk to Him? Do we get giddy inside knowing He loves us, when we enter His presence, when we see Him through His word, his songs, his people?

Or, is he an acquaintance we met along the pathway of life that we couldn’t care less, really, if we never met again?

When we talk to a single person extensively for a long time and then suddenly we are without communication, we feel empty, pained. We miss their fellowship, we miss their laugh or their mannerisms or simply just them.

But…can we say we miss God if we go a day without talking to Him? Can we say we agonize over the neglect we might have in a day to spend time with Him? Is he the only thing on your mind when you are not talking to him? Do you anticipate greatly that moment when you can open up the Bible to hear His voice, or turn on the radio to hear his harmonies, or open your lips to speak to him?

Or are we adulterers and adulteresses? Have we found another lover? One that we foolishly think can satisfy whatever God cannot(But, alas! There is nothing pure that God cannot satisfy. He satisfies love, peace, hope, forgiveness, happiness).

Read Hosea sometime. I read it once, maybe twice, and am thinking of re-reading it again starting today. God tells Hosea to love and marry a prostitute. To love her despite her affections for various other men, despite having given herself to other men. All to demonstrate his love for us, the adulterers and adulteresses. He loves us despite our unfaithfulness. He loves us despite the fact we give ourselves to every other thing in hopes of gratifying our desires and love-void. We are made to love, and I believe we will seek different avenues to feel loved and demonstrate our love. But God doesn’t want us to find love in glittering things of our lives, or give our love to someone or something else other than Him.
He wants supremacy. He wants priority.

Stop living an adulterous life.

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