Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Love that Proves

The world generally has to see things to believe it. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Discretion is needed to sift out falsehoods. Therefore there is a desire for proving facts of the proposed phenomenon.

The fact that we are sinners deserving of hell is unbelievable. Who is to say there is actually a hell.

The fact that there is a God who loves us sinners despite ourselves is unbelievable.

The fact that God loves us enough to send His son to Calvary to die for us is unbelievable.

The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is unbelievable.

The fact that Jesus wants to save us—and will when we call on him, depending on His works, not ours—is unbelievable.

And because it is all unbelievable, the world desires proofs. One can argue nature is proof of God and proof of His power; one can argue a number of similar proofs, but those can be brushed aside, re-categorized.

However, our actions and reactions are great proofs. But they prove both sides: God loves and there is no God.

Everyone notices others. You go into the library and see a man sitting. How he acts, talks and looks describe him. He may jump up and help someone who just dropped their stack of books. You take note of him to be a polite man.

But the person who is being helped takes note of something else: love and genuineness. Just last week he bullied the polite man’s younger brother. And the day before he keyed the man’s car for whatever reason. Despite that, the man helped with his books, the man showed love. Like many times before, that man handed him a tract, insisting he read over it. Instead of shoving it back, it was accepted because there was proof of a love inside the man that was abnormal—supernatural.

Matthew 5:16 says to let our lights shine. Why? So the world can see our good works and in turn glorify God.

You can proclaim God’s love with your lips, but if the listening party does not see it shown in your life, they will shrug it off.

However, loving others will be evidence of difference. If you, life God, love despite shortcomings, they may understand more of God’s love. If they didn’t see your love, though, would they be attracted to the supposed love of God? Doubtfully.

Your loving others is proof to God’s love. Your hating others disproves His love.

Perhaps that is why Jesus says loving God and others are the greatest commandments.


But let me finish this nugget with another thought. The world isn’t the only group that needs proof of things. Christians need it, too.

You say you care. You say God is love. But they won’t accept it if you don’t show it. If you neglect them, or shove your own agenda on them, they will soon disbelieve your claim of care for them.

If you live a life where the love of God doesn’t shine through your being, they will soon question if God really is love. After all, if he was, wouldn’t he demonstrate such love?

God demonstrates his love by the death of his son. God is shown to be love when we let the light of his love shine forth. If we are negative, hateful, prideful, self-consumed the light of God’s love will have a hard enough time shining through the murky window of our lives.

Open your eyes, soften your hearts. There are people hurting. There are people wishing you cared. There are people lying to your face, but longing for you to see through that lie and care for them. There are people with breaking hearts. There are people uncertain of the future, uncertain of God, uncertain of life. There are people who NEED you, but you had a bad day, you stubbed your toe, you got a bad grade, your car broke down, you’re having issues with submission to authorities and you are thus having a crummy time.

The light of God’s love cannot shine through your life’s window murky with self-consumption, pride, anxiety.

Take off the blinders. Wash off your life’s window. People need you to listen. People need you to care. If they can’t find care from you, do you think they will find the care they desire from God if His people aren’t caring?


Are we not the body of Christ? If so, ‘Why aren’t his arms reaching, why aren’t His hands healing, why aren't His words teaching, why aren't His feet going, why is His love not showing them there is a way?” (—Casting Crowns, ‘If We Are the Body’)

Don’t put a dark veil over God’s love. Rip it up, and add mirrors to reflect more of the light! Let God’s love shine like the sun through you. Let God’s love empower your love. Love others! Don’t keep your eyes closed to the hurt of our brothers and sisters in Christ any longer.


Let them know that is God is love through your love. Clean up your life’s window so the light of God’s love can shine brighter than the sun. (Can I say it enough?)


They. Need. To. Know. You. Care. Show them. Love them. Let them know God is love.

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