Recently...or rather for about 2 years...I've noticed that Satan has favored a certain arrow, one that he uses frequently. Rarely does a week go by that Satan doesn't whip out his bow, ready it with his favored arrow and send it rocketing into my heart. There are places where I know he will attack, and there are places he lurks quietly in the shadows until he is ready to strike.
I've grown to be wary of those places, even though sometimes I choose to go in there. The arrow fancies me...until it pierces my heart. It glitters in the sunlight as it is in Satan's bow. The attractiveness of it ensnaring me into his seductive grasp until TWANG...Satan lets go.
However, recently God has spoken to me. If Satan can seal a deal in one area, he'll move onto another one. While we should walk circumspectly, walk with caution, peering in every way--we should not avoid EVERY place Satan sets up camp. Sometimes it is God's will for you to cross paths; running does no good.
Think of David. He was sent to bring the food to his brother who were with Saul's army in a battle against the Philistines, notably Goliath. I can't say off the top of my head if the Bible records that David knew of Goliath's presence, but even if I doesn't, I speculate David was fully aware of the enemy's presence.
He could have decided to avoid that encampment, choosing not to go to his brothers. After all, he might be attacked by the enemy. Would it not be wise to avoid circumstances that would give the enemy opportunity to attack? Whether this crossed his mind or not, he knew he had to obey his father and give his brothers the food prepared for them.
So, David packs and is on his way. I don't know how long it was from David's home to the battlefield, but I'd guess he'd play songs in worship to God at times when he took a break. He did this when he watched over his father's sheep. God fellowshipped with him, and even endowed him with strength--strength to slay a lion and a wolf(or was it a bear? I apologize, I can't remember).
When he arrived at the campsite, he gave his brothers their food, and then heard Goliath's disgrace toward God. Not willing to let God's name be bashed like that, he eventually fought Goliath face to face. Not in the useless armor that King Saul offered, but in the strength God gave him.
He got stones and his sling and went running toward Goliath. With a flick of the wrist the stone sailed out of the sling, slicing the air with great power, embedding itself into the forehead of the giant, Goliath.
God gained a victory that day. Because David chose not to flee from the enemy, but to stand fulfill God's will, fighting the enemy if needed.
This is what we need to do. We need to stand our ground in the given strength of God. We must raise our sword(the Bible) and defend and attack Satan for victory in Christ's name.
We will utterly fail if we go out in our own defenses, our own strength. We need to rely on God, depend on him to give us the victory over sin and Satan.
So gird up yourselves. Take on the whole armor of God. Take the shield of faith with which you can quench those fiery darts of the devil. Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and gain the victory God wants you to have THROUGH Him.
-Kevin B
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