Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Repent and Follow: The Heart of the Gospel.

It's like driving on a highway. First, you need to change your
mind about where you are at and where you are headed,
then choose to take the next exit that leads you to a different place.
The moment John the Baptist stepped onto the scene to announce the Messiah's presence, his message was repentance. The very first message Jesus brings is "to repent." The word repent is an important one. Often we blow it up, making it more complicated than it really is. The Greek word gives the idea to go against a particular thinking pattern as well as going with another pattern of thinking. To change your mind. Thus, Jesus calls us to change our minds--our minds about ourselves, about God, about the future of mankind, and about God's love. Why? Because the Christ is about to reign as King in Earth and in our lives. We ought change our minds that we can live how we desire. We can no longer view ourselves as our own, but that we are property of King Jesus. Turn away from self-ruling and turn to Christ-submission.

The next message Jesus has is on a more interpersonal level. He visits two fishermen. He goes to them and tells them to follow, or to come after, Him. Jesus wants us to stop what we are doing and follow after Him and do things His way. Jesus comes to us in our way of living and gives us the opportunity to come after Him, to follow Him. He then speaks to us on our terms and uses our skills and knowledge to fulfill His kingdom, should we choose to accept His calling. Jesus told these fishermen that He had a task of fishing after men. Of casting out a net and catching people for the Kingdom of Christ. They would use their skills on knowing how not to scare fish (people) off. They would use their skills of patience and endurance. All the while, they would be following Christ. Learning new tricks, learning new methods on how to add to the Kingdom of Christ. And it all starts with changing your mind and following after Christ.

That is the Gospel. "Change your mind about sin and yourself and turn away from the worthless pursuits of darkness and instead understand that Jesus is your King and choose to follow Him, learning His love and experiencing the society of the Kingdom." It's like driving on a highway. First, you need to change your mind about where you are at and where you are headed, then choose to take the next exit that leads you to a different place. Understand where you are with sin and the direction it is taking you (death), and then choose to turn away from sin and follow after Christ and take the road to a different destination (life).

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