Sunday, April 24, 2011

Insult(random thoughts in this entry)

I wonder if one of the bigger(est?) insults is someone lying to your face and you know for a fact they are lying(and perhaps even they know you know they're lying).

Perhaps rather injury as a better word? It definitely is a painful blow for someone to lie to your face and you see right through it. Especially if they know you know, and yet they continue lying.

--Break of thought--

I wonder how God feels when we tell him we love him, even though we don't really. I mean, Jesus said for those who love Him to keep his commandments. That's how we show our love.

In other words, if we aren't showing our there really any love at all?

"I love you, God" could be the most grieving words for God to hear when he can see straight through your wall of insincerity and falsehood; when he knows you are lying and in fact don't love him.

Who are we fooling. God is truth. God is all-knowing. When we lie to God, it's not like he is getting the wool pulled over his eyes.

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