Saturday, February 26, 2011

Process of being tempted

James 1:14-15 says:
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Here it lays out a pattern, or process, of being tempted. It all starts with being drawn away of our own lust. That is, letting a single(or a number of) desire have priority where you will "follow" after it.

Once you are in that position, of letting your desire lead you, you will become enticed. That desire will become more tantalizing, more desirable.

And then when that desire is conceived in us it brings forth sin, and sin brings forth death.

To break that last part up a bit: When we are let our desires lead us to the point where we are enticed to act upon it("conception"), it will bring forth sin. That is, the "embryo" of said conception is sin. That sin is then in our "womb" and grows. Then the fateful day comes of birth. When that "embryonic" sin finally develops enough to be "birthed," death will be a consequence.

So, Letting our desires drive us will produce a chance of enticement. When enticement occurs, conception happens. Conception produces the sin, and when the sin is finished(developed) it produces death.

To prevent the conception of sin in our lives we must not let our desires lead our lives around with reins. We must not focus on our desires and long after them, crave them.

There is only one way to satisfy our desires(healthy, righteous desires) and that is through God's word. When we decide to not control our desires with what God's word says, then we will be led to enticement by them--led to death by them.

-Kevin Barrick

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